A Mother's Day Blessing

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I went to church by myself on Mother's Day...I usually give my husband a hard time when he doesn't come to church with me; today, I let it lie and went on my way. I was a little early, so I parked on the beach and spent a couple of quiet moments wading in the shallow water before mass. When I finally pulled into the parking lot, I realized that the beautifully dressed little ones accompanying their parents were all celebrating Mother's Day! How could I forget? How could my husband not join me today for church? I would be alone, everyone else would be together--The Mothers--note to self, "do not pitty, do not compare; your life is your life, and theirs is theirs".

I sit in the back row; I wait for church to start; I put my head down; I lift my head up. I try not to dramatize my scenario. I pray, to myself, alone. I put my head down; and then I lift it up to the most beautiful brown skin and big black eyes, peering...no staring right at me as if an angel came and sat on top of the pew in front of me....whispering through this baby's eyes...telling me that my baby is waiting for me to be his/her mommy. The family was interracial, which made it all the more compelling for me personally. I couldn't believe that God had sent this little sign that our time was coming; our Mother's Day and Father's Day will soon be here--to share with our Miracle!

Happy Mother's Day to all of our dear friends and family--and to our mom's who are waiting right along with us with all of the loving support only mothers can provide.

Tomorrow is 20 weeks waiting!